Kindred Welcomes a New General Partner

Kindred Capital
2 min readDec 9, 2020


Kindred has been looking for a new General Partner for around two years now and we’re delighted to be able to announce that we’ve finally made an appointment. Selecting a GP is by necessity a lengthy process, as it’s a long-term commitment and both sides need to kick the tyres on everything from personal chemistry to investment judgement alignment.

Maria Palma will be joining Kindred from New York based Venture Capital fund RRE, where she spent five years, both building their platform team (from scratch) and leading investments into some of their most exciting break-out companies.

Prior to that she had a decade long operating career spanning roles at both small start-ups and large enterprises. As operational experience is a clear differentiator for all Kindred partners, this was an important consideration for us.

It became very clear working closely with Maria over the last several months, and through all our references calls, that she is someone who goes above and beyond the call of duty for the founders and team members she works with. She brings a thoughtfulness, an energy and an enthusiasm that makes her incredibly unique which has been reflected in her work building the firm, as well as developing close relationships with world-class founders and supporting them on their entrepreneurial journeys.

Maria will be relocating to the UK in the next few days and plans to hit the ground running with Kindred from early next year.

At Kindred, we have always believed in the value of a diverse but equal partnership — diverse in all senses: from age, gender, background, domain of expertise, geography of experience, and overarching perspective and diversity of thought. With a multi-generational partnership, we’ve also had to think about succession planning right from the very foundations of building the firm, and therefore have spent a significant amount of time and effort identifying, building relationships with, and nurturing what we felt could be the next generation of partner at Kindred for the years to come.

Please join us in welcoming Maria to the team.



Kindred Capital

Kindred is a new early stage venture capital fund based in London that practices equitable venture.